The Best Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

Children's divorce books can be helpful.

Best Books to Help Children Understand Divorce

As stressful and tumultuous a time as it is for the adults involved, the children of parents who are going through a divorce often feel confused, alone, and even as if they are to blame. Young children in particular may have a difficult time understanding what is going on in their life and between their parents.

Even parents with the best of intentions may struggle to find the most effective way to explain to their young children what divorce is and what it means for their future. The psychologists at Stepping Stone Therapy have found that children’s books written specifically to explain divorce can help paint a clear picture for children and provide a reference for them to go back to as they process the information.

Divorce Books for Preschool or Elementary Aged Children

It’s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear: A Read-Together Book for Parents and Young Children During Divorce by Vicki Lansky  – This book is a go-to at Stepping Stone Therapy and helps explain how the changes resulting from divorce were not caused by the child. It is best in situations where both parents will remain equally active in the child’s life.

Two Homes by Claire Masurel and Kady MacDonald Denton – This book provides optimism to young children, explaining that they will remain loved despite now having two homes.

Standing on My Own Two Feet: A Child’s Affirmation of Love in the Midst of Divorce by Tamara Schmitz – The text in this book helps children understand that “having two homes to live in can be just as great as having two strong feet to stand on.”

Mama and Daddy Bear’s Divorce by Cornelia Maude Spelman and Kathy Parkinson – Children learn from this book that their parents will always be their parents despite being separated. It is a wonderful tool for instances where parents will not be equally involved following a divorce.

The Invisible String by Patrice Karst – While not specifically about divorce, this book helps in situations where a child is with one parent while missing the other parent, and helps teach them that love binds us all despite physical separation.

Divorce Books for Tweens and Teens

Divorce Is Not the End of the World: Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping Guide for Kids by Zoe Stern and Evan Stern – Written by two teenagers with the help of their mother, along with updates from a decade later, this book helps older children understand and cope with different rules in different houses, sharing special occasions, and adapting to blended families.

Now What Do I Do?: A Guide to Help Teenagers with Their Parents’ Separation or Divorce by Lynn Cassella-Kapusinski – Written with a workbook geared for teenagers to help them handle their feelings, this book provides strategies for issues such as emotional recovery, avoiding parental wars, dealing with anger, and learning to forgive.

Mend: A Story of Divorce by Sophia Recca and Anthony Edward Zuiker PhDMend is the first in a series of graphic novels about a teenager with divorcing parents. It covers the stages of emotions that teens feel, along with advice for parents.


Rideout Law Group handles cases throughout the entire state of Arizona, with offices located in Scottsdale and Lake Havasu City. Our attorneys are experienced in handling divorce cases. For a free consultation, call 480-584-3328.

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