En 1996, California se convirtió en el primer estado en legalizar la marihuana medicinal. En noviembre de 2010, Arizona aprobó la Proposición 203, la Ley de Marihuana Medicinal de Arizona, que hizo posible el uso del cannabis como producto medicinal. En 2016, la Proposición 205 iniciada por los ciudadanos no logró legalizar la marihuana recreativa. Sin embargo, en 2020, la Proposición 207, una reelaboración de la Proposición 205, llegó a la boleta electoral y obtuvo un voto afirmativo en su aprobación. La Proposición 207 legalizó la marihuana recreativa en todo el estado e incluyó una variedad de otras medidas relacionadas con el uso y crecimiento del cannabis.
A partir de 2021, 18 estados y el área de Washington DC han legalizado la marihuana recreativa. Además, la marihuana medicinal ha sido legalizada en 37 estados. Sin embargo, la marihuana todavía no es legal a nivel federal y actualmente está clasificada como una droga de Lista I con un alto potencial de abuso y poco o ningún beneficio médico. La actual administración de Biden no ha hecho ningún movimiento para aceptar o impulsar una legislación a favor del cannabis. La falta de legislación a nivel federal también ha creado desafíos para las empresas en estados con uso recreativo.
Comprender cómo funciona la Proposición 207 y qué permite y qué no puede ayudarle a protegerse de la ley. Esta página está aquí para ayudarle a comprender las diferentes partes de la ley para que pueda tomar la mejor decisión posible. Pueden ocurrir errores. Si alguna vez se encuentra en el lado equivocado de la ley en lo que respecta a la marihuana, Rideout Law Group está aquí para ayudarlo. Nos especializamos en condenas por marihuana y queremos ayudarlo si alguna vez se encuentra en una situación difícil. Además, con la capacidad de borrar su historial de condenas previas por marihuana a la vuelta de la esquina, la ley Rideout está aquí para ayudar con el proceso.
The Basics
Here are the most important parts of the law broken down.
- You must be over 21 to buy and use marijuana legally
- You can possess and use no more than one ounce or less of marijuana
- You can possess no more than five grams of marijuana concentrate
- You can possess no more than six marijuana plants at your primary residence
- You cannot smoke in public or in an open space
- The first violation for unlawful use has been reduced to a civil penalty
- The second violation for unlawful use is a petty offense
- All subsequent violations are a class 1 misdemeanor
- If you ever find yourself in violation of the law, a lawyer is able to help
Prop 207
Prop 207 was the ballot proposition to legalize recreational marijuana across the state of Arizona. The prop received a yes vote in the 2020 election cycle, legalizing recreational use. Prop 207 legalized the purchase and cultivation of cannabis to a certain amount across the state. The local law does not comply with federal law, but the federal government can be best described as tolerable when it comes to state laws.
You must be 21 or older to purchase from dispensaries and to cultivate your own plants. You are allowed to possess and use one ounce or less of marijuana and no more than five grams of marijuana concentrate. You are also allowed to grow no more than six marijuana plants in your primary residence. However, no more than 12 plants total can be grown in a single residence between two or more people; marijuana produced by those plants must be cultivated in an enclosed, locked area that is not visible to the public. Any marijuana you wish to give to another person from those plants must be less than one ounce and must be done without any form of payment. The person receiving the product needs to be 21 or older.
DUIs are still possible while using marijuana. While Prop 207 states you can’t receive a DUI simply for the presence of marijuana within the body, the slightest impairment makes you eligible. As well, consuming cannabis while riding as a passenger in a motorized form of transportation can lead to a DUI.
Cannabis can also not be imported into the state and you cannot send or receive marijuana seeds. Both are felonies under ARS 13-3405. Local and federal officers monitor potential high traffic areas for any potential distribution over state lines.
Marijuana cannot be smoked in any public or open spaces. Someone who owns, manages, or leases a property can prohibit or regulate any usage or cultivation of marijuana. An employer is not required to allow their employees the right to use marijuana under the state’s current drug-free workplace laws.


Eliminación de antecedentes penales
A partir del 12 de julio de 2021, cualquier persona con delitos anteriores relacionados con el cannabis condenado por consumo, transporte, cultivo o posesión puede solicitar la eliminación de sus antecedentes penales.
La eliminación de antecedentes penales se aplica a estos cargos relacionados con la marihuana:
- Poseer, consumir o transportar dos onzas y media o menos de marihuana. Sólo 12 gramos y medio de esto pueden ser concentrado de marihuana.
- Poseer, transportar, cultivar o procesar seis o menos plantas de marihuana en su residencia para uso personal.
- Poseer, usar o transportar parafernalia relacionada con el cultivo, fabricación, procesamiento o consumo de marihuana.
El acusado no puede tener ningún cargo por delito grave pendiente ni antecedentes de delitos graves convictos antes del cargo relacionado con la marihuana que desea eliminar. La eliminación de antecedentes penales tampoco se aplica a los delitos y cargos federales relacionados con la marihuana.
Si debe honorarios o multas por delitos no elegibles en el mismo caso, deberá solicitar al tribunal un nuevo plan de pago.
Leyes de DUI
En Arizona, los DUI conllevan una fuerte multa y despojan a los conductores de sus licencias. Las sanciones por DUI relacionados con el alcohol y las drogas son las mismas. Cuando solicita el privilegio de una licencia de conducir en el estado de Arizona, acepta que se le realice una prueba de concentración de alcohol en sangre o contenido de drogas. Lo mismo se aplica a una licencia de navegación y la posibilidad de recibir una BUI.
Los delitos son los siguientes en el sitio web de ADOT :
- Primera infracción: Será encarcelado por no menos de 10 días consecutivos y una multa de no menos de $1,250. También se le exigirá que se someta a un examen/educación/tratamiento sobre alcoholemia y que equipe cualquier vehículo que opere con un dispositivo de bloqueo de encendido certificado, y se le ordenará que realice servicio comunitario.
- Segunda infracción y posteriores: será encarcelado por no menos de 90 días y una multa de no menos de $3,000 y su licencia será revocada por 12 meses. También se le exigirá que se someta a un examen/educación/tratamiento sobre alcoholemia y que equipe cualquier vehículo que opere con un dispositivo de bloqueo de encendido certificado, y se le ordenará que realice servicio comunitario.
Además, los cargos serán más extremos si un niño menor de 15 años está presente en el automóvil en el momento del cargo.
Un abogado formado en las leyes y regulaciones vigentes puede reducir la sentencia por DUI, las multas e incluso hacer que un cargo de DUI sea desestimado por completo. Los DUI pueden acumularse y resultar costosos. Un abogado puede ayudarlo a determinar los mejores planes de acción para reducir esos cargos para usted.


Types of Offenses
The passing of Prop 207 changed the level of offense for cannabis. The different levels of offenses include:
Petty offenses are punishable by a maximum fine of $300 and community service. Types of offenses include:
- Smoking marijuana in a public or open place
- Possessing more than one ounce but no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana
- Possessing no more than 12.5 ounces of marijuana concentrate
- A civil penalty of not more than $100 for a first-time violation for underage use. A second violation of underage use would then be classified as a petty offense
Any smoking of marijuana must be done on your private property. Smoking in public places is not allowed under Arizona law. It’s important to note since marijuana isn’t legalized at the federal level, usage on federal land can come with different penalties. Arizona is home to a variety of national parks which are all under federal law. If you are caught using cannabis at a national park, you may face federal-level charges.
- Possession of any amount - first offense: Misdemeanor with a maximum $1,000 fine and up to a year in prison.
- Possession of any amount - second offense: A misdemeanor with a maximum $2,500 fine and up to two years in prison. Mandatory minimum sentence of 15 days.
- Possession of any amount - subsequent offenses: Potentially a felony with a maximum $5,000 fine and up to three years in prison. A mandatory minimum prison sentence of 90 days.
As well, none of the state’s 22 federally recognized tribes have legalized marijuana. Usage on this land can come with a unique set of penalties.
Different forms and their legality
All forms of marijuana are legal in Arizona. Medical marijuana users may face some limitations with the type of form due to insurance. It’s important to remember the carrying amount of five grams when using other more condensed forms of cannabis.
Buying and Selling
The licensing to sell marijuana changes depending on medical or recreational use. Medical marijuana can only be sold by a licensed nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary. Qualifying patients or caregivers are able to purchase medical marijuana. There is no set age limit to buy medical marijuana. However, anyone under the age of 18 who has been recognized with a need will have a different set of rules to purchase they must follow. Under a medical marijuana card, one cannot obtain more than two and one-half ounces over a 14 day period.
Recreational marijuana must be sold by a licensed establishment. With the most recent social equity lottery, there are now a total of 169 state store licenses. To purchase and carry recreational marijuana, you must be 21 or older.
Cultivation laws vary based on medical and recreational use. In cases of medical use, cultivation is based on distance from a licensed dispensary. If you are located more than 25 miles from a state-licensed dispensary facility, you can grow up to 12 marijuana plants.
Those looking to grow for recreational use may not grow more than six plants on their personal property, and no more than 12 plants at a single residence with two or more people. All growing must take place in an enclosed, locked area that is not directly visible from public view.
Usage and Employment
Prop 207 did not change current Arizona laws on drugs in the workplace. An employer is not required to hire someone who tests positive for marijuana usage. Businesses still have the right to maintain a drug- and alcohol-free workplace.
When it comes to medical use, employers cannot discriminate unless a position is considered a “safety-sensitive” job. This clause was put into place after The Medical Marijuana Act and is mainly used by employers to keep medical marijuana patients out of jobs that require commercial driver licenses, use heavy machinery, or medical work.
Being knowledgeable about the current marijuana laws in Arizona is one of the best ways to protect yourself from any potential charges. Each state has its own set of rules and regulations, so being familiar with what’s allowed and what isn’t in your home state or a place you plan on visiting will help you stay on the right side of the law. If you do ever find yourself with a marijuana-related charge, working with a lawyer who is well-versed in the area can help you understand the why and if there is any way your charges can be lowered. Here at Rideout Law Group, we have spent hundreds of hours working on cannabis-related cases and are here to help you through any issues. Working with a lawyer can help make something that feels completely overwhelming, smaller, and easier to handle.